From battling swords to throwing shovels at each others heads, Robbie and Bryan were more brothers than cousins. Being outnumbered by sisters between them, they had to stick together. Growing up 3 doors down (<---horrible band) from each other in Dearborn, MI they did everything together. Now in their adult years, that hasn’t changed. One of their strongest traditions is the Thanksgiving Day Lions game in Detroit, 23 years and counting.
Robbie and Harwood met in High School frantically trying to complete homework during thier lunch break for a World Culture’s class with Mrs. Kitty Kittiddies. Harwood needed to find someone with the answers, that’s when he spotted Robbie in the Groves library scribbling gibberish into the multi-page packet. Perplexed, he thought, how could he possibly know all of those answers? And how is he writing them down so quickly? Robbie responded with, “Dude she doesn’t even read these, I’m writing Soundgarden lyrics for the answers”. Several 100% correct homework packets later...and the rest is history.
Dan met Robbie met at the Sundown Saloon (1136 Pearl St., Boulder, CO #downerlife like that plug?) when he helped him get a job as a bouncer. They spent countless nights responsibly serving PBR and whiskey to the happiest of patrons. Then they tried to keep those responsible drinkers from getting too rowdy. It was one of the best games to play! Their friendship continued to clone and grow over their endless love for adventure, adrenaline sports and the outdoors.